【ご予約】と【お問い合わせ】 ▶︎




ご予約は 〔 前日までの確定が必要 〕 となります。複数箇所を予約される場合はご希望の箇所数をご記入願います。2名様同時ご予約は、同じ日時でお互いの氏名をご記入の上それぞれお申し込みください。

お支払いは[ 現金、または各種クレジットカード ]のいずれかとなります。







*May not be available in some cases.

In order to maintain a clean and relaxing environment, RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL VISITS, and ONLY ONE COMPANION IS ALLOWED with prior notification.

Reservations must be confirmed AT LEAST ONE DAY BEFORE the desired date. Please SPECIFY THE NUMBER OF PROCEDURES if you would like more than one.

To make a reservation for two people at the same time, please submit a separate reservation request for each person for the same date and time WITH EACH PERSON'S NAME.

Payment is by cash or credit card only.

Feel free to contact us for fees, etc.

*You must be at least 13 years old to enter our shop.

*We do not accept jewelry or tools purchased at other stores.

*You must be at least 20 years old and bring a valid photo ID to verify your age.


214Co. [two-fourteen company]

〒060-0063 札幌市中央区南3条西9丁目998−5 交差点角2階
998-5-2F, S3W9, Chuo-ku, SAPPORO (2nd floor of the house cornering intersection)

BUSINESS HOURS: Thurs-Tues 12-7pm

*There are paid parking lots in our neighborhood. DO NOT park on the street.

◉VOCCI restaurant and WAREHOUSE clothing store on the ground floor, entrance in front of the 20-story APA Mansion. (along the one-way street 3jo)


○近代ピアシングの創始者である、米国ガントレット [Gauntlet] サンフランシスコ本部在籍中に「アドバンスドピアサー/上級ピアサー」として【技術面と衛生面2種のライセンスを取得】しているスタッフが20年以上の経験を存分に活かしてご対応いたします。



The staff has over 20 years of experience and is certified as an Advanced Piercer (technical and sanitary) while working at the San Francisco hdqrs. of Gauntlet, the founder of Modern Piercing in the United States.

We have a wide range of body piercing jewellery "ANATOMETAL Products" trusted by professionals worldwide, in a variety of designs and sizes, from medical grade stainless steel and titanium to 18k gold material.

Hygiene and infection control are the cornerstones of body piercing. We are always striving to "update information and practice" and have a strict system in place.


VISITING INFO. 【ご来店を検討される際は必ずご確認ください】
*Be sure to check this out when considering a visit.

◉ご本人様以外のご入店は【事前にお申し出があった "13歳以上" の1名に限り】可能です。


◉For hygienic reasons, you cannot enter the shop MORE THAN 15 MINUTES BEFORE the reserved time.
◉You may bring ONLY ONE companion, including one child, WITH PRIOR NOTIFICATION.
-We reserve the right to refuse reservations due to illness, alcohol intoxication, etc.
-If you do not arrive 15 minutes after your appointment time, your reservation will be canceled.